Mondo Crew
The Creators of Mondo Spider

As a co-creator, Leigh managed the Mondo Crew during the design and construction of the spider. He also put together the original team for the Vancouver Junkyard Wars which led to the prototype Spider.

Founder and engineer, Jonathan was master of “The Leg Lair”, designing, co-ordinating and welding the legs to life with his tireless “Team Leg” crew Sam and RJ.

Charlie Brinson
Charlie is a project founder involved in everything from high level design decisions to sourcing, engineering, and manufacturing countless spider parts. In 2011, Charlie started the Titanoboa project, an electro-mechanical recreation of an ancient, 50ft long serpent.

Ryan Johnston
Another of the 3 core “Team Leg” crew members, RJ also decided welding was more important than his job and his beads show it.

Sam Meyer
One of 3 core “Team Leg” crew members, Sam fitted jigged and welded more tubes for the legs in 5 months than any normal man could hope to in a life time.

Alex Mossman
The throbbing core of the spider, its hydraulic innards and abdomen, were masterminded by Alex Mossman. Alex appeared as the lead bad guy in “The Middle Path”, a play set in medieval Japan, featuring mondo swordfighting. Playing at the “off broadway” venue of the Surrey Little Theatre ( Shows were Thursday to Saturday, Oct 25 to Nov 24, 2007.

Dillard Brinson
Dillard is the MondoSpider project’s original and principal sponsor, and one of the project founders.
And a massive thank you to many contributors over the years:
- Andrew “Bruce” Lau
- Daniel
- Ray Alava
- Jimmy Koo
- Christine “Arachna-Mama” Parker
- Tony Gelush
- Justin Lemire-Elmore
- Dan
- Brian Wells
- Emerson
- Wade
- Keith
- Brad
- Forbes
- TJ
- Stefan
- josh